Apr. 2024

The Green season has come! And we have many events on April! We held a event to make insect house. Good bugs for farming will stay in the house. Our guest from Thailand, US, and Japan enjoyed making them.

It was such a lovely day and we had lunch under the cherry trees in full bloom.

Spring is the harvest season.
Our neighbors have a bamboo forests and they give us bamboo shoots every year. This year, our elder son, Saku said he want to get them by himself. When we were about to leave for the forest, french family arrived so we asked them to join. We got so much bamboo shoots!

Later, we got wild edible plants Itadori, Japanese knotweed besides the road. Saku helped me pealing the skin.

They helped me cooking Itadori.

Cooked itadori, bamboo shoots and fried tofu. Itadori has a bit of sour taste but I like it.

Saku loved to play with the boys. Thanks for playing with him!

When it comes to Itadori, we often hear that elder person around here or Japanese countryside used to pick Itadori and ate it on the way to school. So does Saku. He became an elementary school kid!

When we had entering ceremony, our guest from Mexico was staying so we all attended. The school is very small and there are only 5 students for 1st grade. They can not play foot ball in 1 grade but I’m sure there are many good aspects. Hope he will enjoy spending time at school!

In mid of April, Eriko’s brother came with his wife and 4 months old baby. It seems babies had some talk! I can’t wait seeing them play together.

We had Ito-san from Aichi. He is originally from Ayabe but never came to Kambayashi area. He have a Italian bike and English side car for more than 30 years! So cool!
Our friend Nakatani-san quit his job and going to Korea for studying from next month. Thank you for seeing us before leave! We will see you in Korea!

We had Igaki-san back! He came as a guest for the first time 6 years ago and started to come almost every weekend since 5 years ago and helped our revovation. He’d been in hospital for 1 month but recovered form ill!
Our good friend from graduate shool, Chiaki-san came after a few years! So good to have you back!!
With another guest from Australia, we all went to the entrance of our village at 7:45 to see off Saku for school! He takes taxi every morning from here.

Aito, our second son also likes to play with guests!

Saku playing Katan, board game. He’s strong actually!

Brothers get along very well. Aito follows anywhere his brother goes.