May. 2024

It’s almost end of June but I’m writing about May.
As a start of May, we had an exciting Golden Week as usual.
Shin-chan stayed with us for her 3rd times. She first came when she was a uni student and now she works hard in Tokyo. Glad she came back for spending time in nature. We went to rice flower bakery Yume-no-naka-no-kaji, shaga flower forest and Maizuru for eating rice ice cream!

Norishiko-san who own his guesthouse in Fukuoka stayed with us. We met him when we were and he was about to open a guesthouse and we stayed his guesthouse 6 years ago. Now he close his guesthouse temporarily and travelling through out Japan! He says he doesn’t know when he returens!

A family from USA. The daughter goes to university in Tokyo and her family was visiting. She continuously study at graduate school for next 2 years so hope she will come back for relaxing!

A family from Singapore and a guest from Taiwan. They played with Saku so much especially the elder son. We even received their heart warming letter after they got home. Thank you so much!!

A couple and their friend from Belgium. The couple have been travelling since last Jan around Asia!

We also had a family from France. They made crape and we had with local jams. Yum!

Saku of this month①
He goes to public school but they have lots of local event. One day students went to nearby village and harvested Yama-buki, it’s one of specialities around this area. He brought home and cooked together.

We had rice planting event. Unfortunatelly the weather was not good but he did good job!

It is the season we can harvest the fruits of Japanese pepper. He pick them, pack them and sell them at Ayabe- Onsen! The facility also have a shops which sells local products. If he sells 1 pack 400 yen then he will get 320 yen from Onsen. If no one buys he thinks what was the problem. He wants to earn money to buy Pokemon goods so he’s serious about earning money and I think it’s a good way of learning business!

Small crabs are waking up from hibernation. He usually catch them and release them but sometimes he says he wants eat them. We cook together and he says “I will eat you cuz I know you’re delicious!”

We have wild strawberries grow naturally in our garden. Sour and sweet. We carefully pick because they have prickles and eat them right away!

I know I’m writing too much about my son but 1 more thing. This year on mothers day, he first time gave me a gift with his hand writing letters. Until he entered elementary school, he hadn’t read nor written Japanese. Now he can and he copied his text book as a gift.

Aito seems to say “Don’t forget about me!” On May 5th, it’s a children’s day (boys day) so he wore kimono and looked good!

Aito became 1 year and 6 months. He loves to sleep like this.